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Sunday, January 20, 2008
Brilliant Psychological Card Trick: How Observant Are You?
11:59 PM
How to make A Homeade Taser from a disposable camera
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11:53 PM
CarTorrent - Peer-to-peer networking for cars
The name BitTorrent has become part of most people's day-to-day vernacular, synonymous with downloading every kind of content via the internet's peer-to-peer networks. But if a team of US researchers have their way, we may all be talking about CarTorrent in the not too distant future.
Researchers from the University of California Los Angeles are working on a wireless communication network that will allow cars to talk to each other, simultaneously downloading information in the shape of road safety warnings, entertainment content and navigational tools.
The UCLA Engineering's Network Research Lab team, led by Mario Gerla and Giovanni Pau, hit upon the idea in 2004, when peer-to-peer networking took off fuelled by applications such as BitTorrent. "We had the idea from BitTorrent, and decided to extend BitTorrent to cars under the name of CarTorrent. One of our dreams had always been to apply the technology to civilian applications," says Gerla. "Imagine you're driving to a beach resort and want to find out what the best beaches are. You could stop at a gas station and download several video clips from an internet access point, but that's not very convenient."
Wireless at the wheel
Gerla and his team instead propose to connect cars to one another using the wireless networking platform they're developing, which could be up and running by as early as 2012.
The wireless network would allow moving vehicles within 100 metres and 300 metres of each other to connect and create a network with a wide range. The network would then allow drivers to download information from internet access points simply by driving by, and then share that information with other cars on the road.
Gerla says the benefits of such a network are numerous: "There will be immediate benefits in driving safety as well as in content distribution. Car-to-car communications can be used to avoid accidents by alerting the drivers of imminent danger. To prevent a crash we must act in fractions of a second. We are currently collaborating with vehicle manufacturers to help reduce accidents and fatalities on the road. For this latter application, vehicles are equipped with sensing devices, such as radars and video cameras."
The network uses standard radio protocols such as Digital Short Range Communication, or DSRC, combined with wireless LAN technology at 5.9GHz (not Wi-Fi's 2.4GHz) to create networks between vehicles equipped with onboard sensing devices. These devices can gather safety-related information as well as other complex multimedia data.
By far the most essential aspect of this network, though, is that it is not subject to memory, processing, storage and energy limitations like traditional sensor networks. Instead, it relies on the resources of the vehicle itself, along with those vehicles around it.
Under the scheme, cars would be able to use their onboard radios to exchange three categories of information: safe navigation (such as reporting on icy road conditions, traffic jams and possible collisions ahead), content distribution (locally relevant information, advertisements and videos of upcoming attractions) and urban surveillance (collecting information which could be used later by police for forensic investigations).
Gerla and his team are already collaborating with car manufacturers such as Toyota and BMW on bringing the project to life. However, costs and industry standards are the more important hurdles that this network will have to jump before it can become feasible. Gerla says the network can be slowly implemented, just as GPS navigation systems and Wi-Fi-style radios have slowly started to become standard equipment.
"What will turn the tide will be the approval and widespread adoption of the emerging standards for car-to-car communications sponsored by the IEEE 802.11p Working Committee of the IEEE [the professional association for the advancement of technology]," says Gerla.
"A few years ago, leading car manufacturers decided to join forces with national government agencies in the Vehicle Information Infrastructure Consortium, which works closely with the IEEE 802.11p Committee, to develop communications architecture to help drivers anticipate hazardous events or avoid bad traffic areas."
However, Gerla says the network is not without faults: "The two most critical aspects that could go wrong if the network is implemented are location privacy, because drivers do not want others to know where they are; and attacks where a driver could maliciously inject wrong traffic congestion information to persuade other drivers to get out of its way."
Defensive drivers
With costs currently estimated at around $500 (£255) per car for the implementation of the equipment required to connect to the network, drivers probably won't be clamouring to get the kit.
"Most likely, there will be at least initially two types of drivers," Gerla says. "The drivers enamoured with high-tech features will immediately embrace this technology. But it's true that less aggressive drivers, probably a sizeable fraction of the population, will be reluctant to embrace the technology at first."
That, of course, could present a problem for the growth of CarTorrent: for as anyone who has tried using BitTorrent will know, there's no point in being the only person on a peer-to-peer network. Being the first car to use CarTorrent will be an expensive and pointless exercise. But like a telephone - and the internet - it's the sort of technology whose benefits will multiply rapidly as long as more people use it.
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11:49 PM
Social Networks, from the 80s to the 00s
Written by Brian McConnell
As Facebook enjoys its moment in the sun, we should take a moment to step back and look at the history of computers and social communication. Some historical perspective is in order, both to assess the real value of social networks as businesses, and to anticipate how they are likely to evolve in the future.I’ve been using the Internet since 1988, and have been using various commercial online services such as CompuServe, Prodigy and GEnie since I had my first computer. A lot of things that could be described as social networks have come and gone in that time.
Bulletin Boards
People have been using computers for social communication since the very beginning of the personal computer industry. Long before the Internet became accessible to the general public, people were hosting BBS systems, many of them focused on an interest group or local community. One particularly prescient invention was FidoNet, a network for BBSes that allowed systems to transfer data (messages, files, etc.) in bucket-brigade fashion to sites around the world. It grew to, at one point, cover much of the world, and was an entirely community-based effort.
Since not everyone had a computer , the communities that emerged in the BBS world largely revolved around computers in some way. Some BBSes focused on DIY computer projects, others on games, and more than a few were devoted to pirating commercial software.
Online Services
Commercial online services reached their peak in the 1990s, first as destinations in of themselves, and later as a way to access the Internet. These services provided access to a broad range of services that are now mirrored on the web. News, travel reservations, shopping and social hubs were all part of the package; much of what we see today on the web existed in some form on these sites. Social communication was one of the big draws for online services, as a major source of their revenue was derived from billing for usage on a per-minute basis. AOL in particular recognized this and allowed users to create communities about just about any topic.
Just as online services were reaching their peak, the web became accessible to ordinary users, turning the Internet into a mainstream phenomenon. Online services, in turn, gradually morphed from destinations to a means of accessing the Internet.
Throughout this period, the population of computer users expanded rapidly. AOL, for all of its faults, deserves a lot of credit for introducing millions of people to the Internet. As the user community grew, online services began to build communities around more diverse interest groups, most having nothing to do with computers. The community focus shifted from computers to people who happened to use computers to do something.
Web 1.0
From the mid-90s to 2000, there was an explosion of activity as companies rushed to reproduce existing online services on the web. There were many social services created during this period, notably GeoCities and One thing the web did was to eliminate the walled garden problem that plagued AOL and their brethren. This promoted the development of niche communities, such as PlanetOut/, that may have otherwise been stifled by corporate censorship in controlled environments. While none of these services advertised themselves as a social network per se, they had many of the same characteristics.
Friendster deserves special mention because it was the first popular web site that contained all of the features we expect from social networks today — especially the notion of using a social graph to track relationships. But was an unfortunate example of being too early in a developing market. Everything I have seen since Friendster is highly influenced by it, and generally offers the same basic features, just in a different package.
The Future
While I think commercial social networks will continue to be popular, it is dangerous to project future growth from past trends. There are several important trends already underway that, while they are good for social networking as a whole, will undermine proprietary commercial services.
Commercial social networks today are a lot like online services in the mid-90s — they’re popular because they make something easier to do (maintain a social graph, keep track of friends, search for new people). It was not that long ago when getting online was difficult for novice users. Large businesses (EarthLink, Netcom, AOL) were built around making the Internet easy to use. They became superfluous as broadband became standard and devices with built-in Net access were shipped.
I think the same thing is likely to happen to social networks, so let’s look at what a social network really does, and think about how that can be implemented on the open web.
Social networks make it easy for people to create profiles using standard templates. This makes sense, but this is really no different than a web page. I like what Chris Messina and co. are doing with their distributed social networking project, which uses blogs as a basic building block, and microformats to embed metadata in pages. Separating profiles from other functions, like search and discovery, makes a lot of sense because then you can have one page or site that is visible via many different search tools.
Search (and the Social Graph)
The social graph is a function that can easily be added to search engines. Once web sites, blogs, etc. are tagged to indicate that they are profiles, search engines can crawl them to pick up metadata, links to friends, etc. Search engines are already good at indexing the web, so adding a vertical search for people and social information is not a daunting task. Expect the search engines to add social/people search features. While the conventional wisdom holds that this task will naturally fall to Google, I think this is an area where AOL or Yahoo could score an unexpected win, as both companies are much more people- and community-focused.
One of the reasons Facebook is so addictive is because it is a convenient way to track the status of friends. This, too, is something that can be moved onto the open web. Anyone who wants to can publish updates, events, etc. via standard formats like RSS and iCal. Anyone who wants to monitor their friend’s updates can do so, via a feed reader, or via custom applications that have yet to be built. If this becomes standard practice, there will be many opportunities for software developers to create new and better ways to track and display this information.
Follow The Money
To many, social networking is a winner-takes-all market. But I don’t think that’s the case. With the three pieces above, you can recreate what any social network does using open standards and the web. At the moment, this requires more effort, so people use commercial services, but in the long run, open standards usually win.
I would bet on a company like WordPress or perhaps Tumblr to come out with a simple tool that makes publishing profiles and updates easy, and that is designed with social search in mind. Maybe this will be an open-source tool, maybe it will be a commercial service supported by monthly fees or advertising. My guess is that many companies will get into this category, and that — just as there is diversity among blogging and personal publishing tools — there will not be one clear winner. Blog authoring and hosting companies are logical entrants, as they already do the majority of what’s needed for an open social network.
Search will be an important component of this, and I would expect that Google and other search vendors will play a dominant role here. There should also be opportunities for companies that specialize in people and social search. They’ll make money, as they already do, by mixing targeted ads with their social search tools.
The good news for users is that this will be an open market, an ecosystem, with no lock in. Users will be able to choose among many profile and update publishing tools. They’ll also be able to use whatever search tool they prefer. Most importantly, users (a.k.a. publishers) will own their data, and will be able to control how it is presented to the outside world.
The bad news for social networking companies is that this is not a winner-takes-all market, with winner-takes-all valuations. Blog authoring tools are a good comparison. This is certainly not a bad business to be in, but it is not a get-rich-quick business, either. The barriers to entry will also disappear as the network effect of having a large user community becomes irrelevant when every participant is equally searchable via multiple services. I also think that the general paranoia about big companies using personal data inappropriately will be an incentive for people to switch to other tools that provide more control over the use and presentation of their data.
If I had to pick a category to start a company in, I’d pick authoring tools. There’s real long-term value there, as people tend to pick a publishing tool and stick with it — and they’ll more for higher-end tools. If I were Facebook, I’d be thinking about how to participate in this trend — in other words, deal with change before it deals with you.
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11:46 PM
Who Thought Packing Tape Could Be This Beautiful? [PICS]
look at these amazing works crafted from packing tape by ukraine born, philadelphia-based artist mark khaisman. these large archetypal images are made from layer upon layer of translucent packing tape, applied to plexiglass and then placed in front of a light box to give the image shadow and depth. mark is inspired by people, places and things which have a classic style to them. he believes that reinterpreting these classics, using his medium and method, transforms these iconic figures and objects into a remarkable personal experience for the viewer.
this conceptual idea with realistic stylings is a tad outre and quite an intriguing combination. his medium may be pedestrian, but his technique is noteworthy and the universally appealing objects and scenes that he chooses to recreate serve to create a bridge between his art and the viewer.
mark has a solo show coming up at the woodmere art museum in philadelphia. it will be held from january 27th to march 8th. please tell me if any of you are able to go and view these incredible pieces in person!
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11:37 PM
Tree Growing in Abandoned Books (Detroit, U.S.A)
Download the Large size - All sizes of this photo are available for download under a Creative Commons license.\

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12:21 AM
Mr. Miscavige, why are your followers dead?
Lisa McPherson 1959 - 1995
Deaths in Scientology's Fort Harrison Hotel Flag is the abbreviation of Flag Land Base, Scientology's presence in Clearwater. The first building they bought was the 272-room Fort Harrison hotel. Lisa McPherson (36) Heribert Pfaff (31) Josephus Havenith (45) An autopsy report lists his death as "probable drowning" but notes that his head was not under water. He died in February 1980 at the Scientology Fort Harrison Hotel in a bathtub filled with water so hot it had burned his skin off. Unknown
Mike wants to offer you a glimpse into his motives why he made this page. One of the reasons is to show a pattern of deceit. To put an end to the lie that Scientology isn't engaged in the healing field, mentally as well as physically. |
Other Scientology related deaths
Stacy Grove Meyer (20)
(Daughter of Scientology's inhouse attorny Kendrick L. Moxon)
The electrocution of Stacy
Susan Meister (23)

"This is a picture of my daughter, and that's all I have."
Italian deaths connected to Scientology Despite its success, however, Scientology is leaving behind a trail of crime and civil cases , polemics and a number of suicides. The latest one concerns a Cagliari 20 years old boy, Roberto D., who put an end to his existance jumping from the 8th floor. Paride Ella (22) and Giuseppe Tomba (26) Last night another guest of the [Narconon] center, the second, died at the hospital in Lecco. Paride Ella, 22 from Grassobbio (Bergamo), ceased to live after a 5 days agony. He had similar symptoms - vomit and diarrhoea - as the ones felt by Giuseppe Tomba, 26 from Solaro (Milano). Gabriella Bramucci (55) Tests showed that the cancer, started in the breast, had moved to the liver. On August 6th she went back to the hospital, where she died. "She died - says Michieletto - because she didn't follow treatment. Dianeticists can act like this. According to them, every desease is psychosomatic, and they treat it with a 'touch assist'. And so, at the age of 55, my wife died." Italy: more deaths connected to Scn Oscar A. hanged himself on 21.9.1987. Mario M. on 1.1.1988 he hanged himself. Massimo B. tried to commit suicide cutting his veins. |
Wilhelm Mack (37)
Bob Mills (41) ![]() Life and death of Quentin Hubbard Quentin was found unkempt with a beard stubble, a state that no one who knew Quentin could accept. (He was ultra-meticulous in his appearance.) Or that the license plate of the car was missing and found under a rock some distance away. Or that his wallet was gone, making identification impossible. Or that a near-empty bottle of liquor was found, as if he had been drinking, when Quentin did not. Or that there were needle marks on his arms, when he did not use drugs.
John Buchanan
Nancy Graham (54) Washingtonpost Obituaries : Nancy Wright Graham, 54, the owner and operator of Suddenly Slender, a Falls Church health and beauty mineral-wrap business she started in 1996, died Jan. 29 at her home in Falls Church. She had cancer.
Sue Mueller (60) Sue died of breast cancer. Below is the obituary taken from the SP Times.MUELLER, SUZANNE R. "SUE," 60, of Dunedin, died Monday (Oct. 4, 2004) at home under the care of family and Hospice of the Florida Suncoast. She was born in Port Madison, Iowa, and came here in 1971 from Rock Island, Ill. She was the executive director of Hubbard College of Administration and a member of Church of Scientology, Clearwater. Survivors include her mother, Yvonne Repplinger, Dunedin; and a sister, Kathryn King, Palm Harbor. Veterans Cremation & Burial Society, Clearwater.
Richard Collins (24) ![]() Richard Collins A man threw himself 200ft to his death after a religious cult refused to let him leave, an inquest heard. Even after Richard had died, the harrassment continued. Patrice Vic (31) Diary of a Dying Scientologist OT7 Ariane Jackson, his ex-wife, denounces Scientology and shares more information. (in Italiano) Inside the cult of $cientology, by a Class XII He [Albert] attempted suicide after completing OT VII and being denied OT VIII after it had been promised to him and he'd paid in full. Rudolf Willems (According to Martin Ottman German Dr. Rudolf Willems shot himself in 1987, after he had spent millions of Dollars for Scientology and his steel company sailed into bancruptcy.) Albert Jaquier -Rudolf Willems
SCIENTOLOGY RELATED MURDERS AND SUICIDES Lawrence Wollersheim interviews Jesse Prince who was 2nd in command of Scientology [Reading] "Bob Schafner [sic - Schaffner] was an OT III and having problems. He rode a bike under a truck, dying instantly in 1987 or 1988." I heard about this incident, but I remember Bobby Schafner from before, which I also did in the write-up. Bobby and Cindy Schafner, they were constantly harassed about their relationship in that they wanted to have children, and children were really frowned upon and looked down upon. Diane Colletto Posting by Mark Plummer : John shot his wife Diane to death at the corner of Fountain Avenue and Catalina Street in Hollywood; this is right next to the Cedars Complex building. After killing his wife, John fled the area. A short while later he took his own life. Mary Florence (Flo) Barnett AKA Miller - (David Miscavige's mother-in-law)
Rodney Rimando (21) Susan Meister - Flo Barnett - Quentin Hubbard - Scott Leland, Larrayne Johnston - Rodney G. Rimando - Lori Wood - Yvonne Gillham Jentzsch - Sally Esterman - Susan Todhunter - Marie - Passmore - Phoebe Mauerer - Jens Bogvad - Betty Filisky - Peggy Bankston (?) - Daphne Parselle - Ellen Carder I have known many Scientologists and Sea Org members who died from cancer. The common denominator among them is that they did not seek medical assistance rapidly, when they first noticed something wrong. The overwhelming belief among Scientologists and Sea Org members was to get audited or continue on with auditing (if they were already receiving auditing) with the conviction that auditing would resolve the cancer.
Two untimely deaths at Flag Posting by The Exile : It is only a coincident that these two people (Susan J. Johnson & Leslie Platinsky) died on the same day, both of natural causes. But it illustrates a point, Hubbard's medical cures are just so much nonsense, and here are more deaths to prove it. Two new OT deaths at Flag Posting by The Exile : Isn't it rather odd that these two women (Ruth Valko-Burness & Ellie Blankenship), who must have known each other, died so young and of the same disease? Carrie Slaughterbeck (23)
Lisa McPherson (36) - Margarit Winkelmann (51) - Josephus A. Havenith (45), Andreas Ostertag (38) - Peter E. Frei (37) - Heribert Pfaff (31) - Roger Nind (49), Carrie Slaughterbeck (23) SP Times of December the 7th, 1997 (in Italiano or en Français) Andreas Ostertag (38) Der Stuttgarter Andreas Ostertag, der sich der SC-Finanzpolizei widersetzt haben soll, sei als durchtrainierter Sportler urploetzlich in einem seichten Gewaesser am Golf von Mexico ertrunken. Peter Ernst Frei (37) Clearwater police Lt. Jack Dowling said Peter Ernst Frei, a Swiss citizen, was reported missing to Clearwater police on June 29 by a church acquaintance.
Posting for Rod Keller : This list includes only cases the Medical Examiner's office has handled. They do not handle the overwhelming majority of deaths, perhaps 5%
Posting by Tom Voltz : I stopped a newspaper report on how a "Clear" threw one of his beloved children off a cliff in the Swiss mountains because he no longer was able to apply the tech on the one hand and try to keep his wife and family together who considered scientology a hoax.
Coerced Scientology Abortions Gregory Bradford Wisner (27) Pius Keel (22) Pius Keel, a confirmed Scientologist of 22, ended his stay at the Schliersee tragically. He got himself into deep debt for his community. After some time at Narconon he complained to his mother about the barefaced swindle. Narconon is only about money, he said. On September 14, 1990, after less than two months at Narconon, Pius packed his bags and threw himself under a train. Another Train Suicide? Mr Bartnik is the Community Relations Officer (or whatever it is) for Australia; evidently he started in Perth. The address book is part of the pile of stuff which was found out the back of the Perth org several years ago.
The mysterious death of German Konrad Aigner (43)
The reason for Mr. Aigner's death is apparently unclear. From the report, it appears to be very unusual that a 43-year-old person dies of multiple organ failure. The public prosecutor may have more information, but it is apparently secret and possibly based on the raid of the Munich org, which occurred on 10 February 1998.
Patrice Vic - Lisa McPherson - Noah Lottick - Richard Collins - Christopher Arbuckle French deaths 1) That night, it was terribly cold on the Larzac plateau: around 0°F, -15°C. But Gerard M------ leaves the farm where he was for year's end, and get out naked. He was found dead some hours later. 2) Six months after having found scientology in Lyon, Patrice Vic commited suicide by jumping from the window. 3) May 1989, somewhere in Normandy, Thierry, with his frail mind, is just out of a sojourn in psychiatric hospital. He's still on treatment when scientology church takes him. 4) Jocelyne Dorfmann died from an uncured epilepsy crisis after having been accepted in Narconon center in Grancey sur Ource, a village near Dijon. Jocelyne Dorfmann (34) The County Court of Dijon, in a judgement of January 9, 1987 (No 118-87), condemned the assistant-director of the Narconon center of Grangey-sur-Ource for lack of assistance to a person in danger. This center, created by the Church of Scientology, proposes cures of detoxication by applying the methods of Ron Hubbard, namely the "purification rundown", based mainly on several hours of sauna per day, "auditing" and a significant absorption of vitamins. Chambre des Représentants de Belgique Audition de M. J.-A. Fisch, président du « Cercle de défense de l'individu et de la famille » (CDIF) au Grand-Duché de Luxembourg: Par ailleurs, l'intervenant connaît un jeune homme de Vianden qui a versé 250 000 francs à Narconon pour une cure de désintoxication qui n'a finalement duré que trois jours : il s'est enfui et est mort d'une overdose, lors d'une réunion à trois. An old suicide (France) This passage explains that during the scientology suit, a letter from a family has been read by the Court's president near the end of the suit - Paris 1977. The guy had cut his wrists, and had left a letter saying "Got to scientology, you'll understand everything". Medical fraud During 1959-1960, over a period of about five months, one unfortunate man was audited at the Melbourne HASI for more than 200 hours in an endeavour to cure him of cancer from which he was dying and did die. At a time when it was known at the HASI that he had been under medical treatment and was suffering from a malignant growth in his lower abdomen, the HASI quoted him 200 hours' auditing for a stable case gain.
Terry McCaan - Sandra Meirsdorff - Mary Stouffer Robert Thorburn Suzine Van Sickle Marchese and Deputy Prosecutor Kerry Keefe brought evidence showing that the daughter, after getting power of attorneyfor her mother in late 1987, wrote 30 checks to herself totaling $ 45,000. More than $ 13,000 was donated to the Church of Scientology, Dabney Taliaferro Waring Posting of Maggie Council : He was definitely trying to break with them during this period [at another time, "Bob" told me that Dabney had called him on Monday of the week he died to say he wanted out of Scientology, that he was scared of something he couldn't discuss, saying "It's too big."]
A Scientologist MD sued for second degree murder in Geneve But worse, the medical expert is thinking that the MD has profited of his Scientology membership to influence his patient to inhibit her to continue the anti-cancer cure prescribed in the hospital. Scientologie: un médecin condamné Un médecin généraliste [Dr Joseph Helou] de Saint-Vit (Doubs) a été condamné jeudi par la cour d'appel de Besançon à deux ans de prison avec sursis et 150.000 francs d'amende pour avoir orienté ses patients dépressifs vers l'Eglise de scientologie. Hubbard ordered murder
Scientology's Promised Holocaust Instructed to kill While I was in the Sea Org, I was instructed to kill another human being by the Scientology organization. At the time Scientology had an office on Beacon Avenue in Los Angeles, very close to McArthur Park. . . . Mexican bandits were allegedly harassing and hustling the ranch and stealing produce from it. . . . We were told to kill them if necessary. I received these orders from Alex Sibryski. Cult's private detective fires at journalists A PRIVATE detective, employed by representatives of the Church of Scientology cult to investigate one of its opponents, shot at a Sunday Times reporter and photographer and threatened to kill them last week. The detective, Jarl Grieve Einar Cynewulf, fired a pistol at the journalists after saying. "You'd better go now unless you want to end up in a wooden box. Do you want to be another Hungerford martyr?" TV reporters fear for their own lives at Happy Valley "You are Germans. You are all under arrest," screamed the ringleader, who turned out to be Scientology Vice-chief Ken Hoden. Along with five armed men, he tried to intimidate Brockmann and Reichelt. ... One word led to another, until Hoden gave a warning to all Germans who enter the vicinity of the Scientology region, "All Germans will get the same as you have. Germany is our arch-enemy number one, especially here in California."
Roxanne Friend (35) Roxanne Friend sued the Church of Scientology (case number BC 018003 in Superior Court of the state of California for the county of Los Angeles). The Church settled out of court "for nuisance value." Roxanne not much later died of cancer, which may have been cured had she gotten medical attention sooner. Roxanne did not because she felt that Scientology auditing could cure any ill. Affidavit of Hana (Eltringham) Whitfield and the depostion of Roxanne's brother Robert Friend .
Larry Wheaton "I was flabbergasted," Dade Probate Judge Francis Christie said after learning that Joanne Wheaton donated part of the $300,000 workers' compensation to the group. Several years ago, church members persuaded a Florida woman to turn over a workers compensation settlement she received after the death of her husband, Larry M. Wheaton, who left behind two children, ages 3 and 7. He was the pilot of an Air Florida jet that plunged into the Potomac River after it had departed Washington, D.C.'s National Airport in 1982. Joanne Wheaton gave nearly $150,000 to the church and almost as much to a private business controlled by Scientologists. Tom Clay and his two sons (plane crash) - Larry M. Wheaton - Betty Filisky - Edith Hodgkinson - a man named Rogers, from Vancouver, B.C A few days after her release, and her return in Italy, she jumped from the 3rd floor. She became permanently and totally handicapped as a result from this failed suicide attempt. Being highly trained, I read many sessions C/Sed by LRH for XDN, CL VIII, OT III repairs, L-10,11,12, when the person had become psychotic, even suicidal.
Rita Rita lived in sussex with her husband, they were both scientologists and like most cult members, strongly opposed psychiatry. But a year ago Rita became severely depressed. She cried a lot, she cried and cried. She could hardly say "hello mom" to me. She was so depressed...she cried all the time... Rita believed the depression was due to an ear-infection and she went to see a specialist... The specialist told the problem was more psychological than physical and that she desperately needed to seek psychiatric help. But Rita refused to see a psychiatrist, she wrote to her mother: " I feel that there is no real help or improvement to be had from psychiatrists, but my turning to them would just be a way to hide from life and problems. " Rita committed suicide in March by inhaling car exhaust fumes in a garage. Scientology insists they did not advice here against psychiatric treatment. Today her mother is still fighting to establish that cult dogma did contribute to Rita's death. Doreen Gaul (19) and James Sharp (15) From the files of the FBI #300C : Police investigating the weird slayings of a youth and young woman pursued Monday what they termed the only common thread between the pair: their membership in the Church of Scientology. The Scientology organization--a mystical, quasi-scientific group--verified that Doreen Gaul, 19, and James Sharp, 15, were members of the group. Diane Morrison Posting of Jesse Prince : A Sea Org member of ten years plus, Diane Morrison, who was approximately 30 years old, had been diagnosed with cancer. Scientology is paranoid about X-rays and gamma rays, and they refused to let Diane get chemotherapy. The two Scientology doctors, one was LRH's personal physician--N.B. LRH is dead too..., prescribed a course of vitamin therapy and auditing to cure Diane's cancer.
Khushroo Motivala (38) Private Eye - No 816 - March 1993 Attempted murder on Naxielly Sofia Perez-Morales? A young Mexican woman came to town thinking she would receive free classes if she joined Church of Scientology staff. But last month she told police a tale of deception, overwork and verbal abuse after fleeing a Scientology security guard who threatened to kill her for breaking her "billion year contract." (Was this a similar case? SP Times, published March 2, 1997, Scientologist hospitalized after jump into harbor. Follow up article in the Tampa Tribune, 3 March 97, Baker-acted Scientologist released ) Lauren and Hervé Hiver (1½) John Kennedy [T]he Director of the Scientology Institute in Bulawayo, Africa, a man named John Kennedy, was said to be responsible for the success of Scientology in Rhodesia. ... Unbeknownst to Hubbard, one of their goals was leaving Scientology and setting up a similar organization called the Institute of Mental Health. ... Kennedy died shortly thereafter in a shooting accident. "It is said he shot himself accidentally while cleaning his revolver" stated the Daily Mail on July 14, 1968, "but an open verdict was returned by the coroner." Perhaps Jean was the wife of John. See HCOB 5 June 1961, for a brief commment on "the South African Clear Jean Kennedy" and in HCOIL 4 August 1961 she's mentioned again. Jean Kennedy of Bulawayo, Southern Rhodesia, wrote to L. Ron Hubbard how great it was to be cleared again. Ref: HCOB 10 august AD12 (1962 in non-Hubbard speak)Kid accidentally run over by a car at Fort Harrison Hotel The other incident was another reason why they moved most of the children off of the base at that time is there was a child -- because of where the parking lot was situated at the back of the Fort Harrison, the children were right next to the parking lot. And a child got out of that area and was killed behind that parking lot area. . . MR. HATCHETT: Did you actually witness that yourself? MS. VAN SCHAICK: No, I did not. MR. HATCHETT: How close did you know that the evidence may have been true? Did someone tell you or - MS. VAN SCHAICK: Someone told me. And there was a lot of uproar at that City of Clearwater City Commission Hearings, 1982 Julia Salmen - Grant Pool - Robert Oakes - Lavina Timmons All of the above people and many other similar ones made vast contributions to the Church which rejected them when they became useless. Even where the only major contribution has been financial, Church policy rejects them at the end. This Church believes in spiritual re-birth, and has procedures that would better prepare people for this. Yet it categorically withholds this care from its parishioners in their hour of greatest need
Close to suicide
Ari Salonen's painful experience began in Sweden in 1982. "Scientologists destroyed my life totally. My brother died of drugs. My close friend committed suicide. My little sister is totally brainwashed, and my other sister's family has been broken from the church pressure. I myself have been completely changed and I am all the time very close to suicide."
Another page [of Operation Freakout ] referred to a time when, depressed about her problems, she had spoken one dark night about suicide. The secret [Scientology] agent told his superiors that on the outside he was sympathetic but inside he was laughing: "Wouldn't this be a great thing for Scientology?" The windows were open due to unseasonably warm weather. I figured...well, it would be a 3 story drop, and chances were if I flung myself out the window I'd break my neck. I got up on the ledge and was ready to go when someone yelled NO! and pulled me in.
Larry Wollersheim contemplated suicide Wollersheim v. CoS of California - Court of Appeals July 18, 1989 By 1979, Wollersheim's mental condition worsened to the point he actively contemplated suicide. Wollersheim began experiencing personality changes and pain. When the Church learned of Wollersheim's condition, Wollersheim was sent to the Flag Land Base for "repair."
I considered suicide. The Scientologists had told me that reincarnation was real and, as I still believed a lot of their teachings, I thought it might be better to kill myself and come back in a new life with a clean sheet.
Ariane Jackson experienced suicidal tendencies Hubbard says my Flag "auditors" were lazy, dishonest, fakes Since my discovery that Scientology is false I have experienced heavy depression, suicidal tendencies, violence, feeling of being betrayed, lied to, used. Feeling that I gave up my children for nothing. No interest in life or living. |
Scientologists attempting suicide
Seth Thomas attempted suicide [Reading] "FACT sources describe a young guy who tried to commit suicide in early 1992 at the Gold Scientology Center. He was in his teens or early 20's. He was the junior of a guy named Olf, who was a foreigner, maybe from Sweden. This guy was in the mixing group with the sound people. He had brown hair, pudgy and boyish looking. Something happened to cause him to attempt suicide at the Gold Center." This person's name is Seth Thomas. He has blonde hair. His mother was Susie, Sue Price. Gitte Mog ensen slashed both her wrists At Ethics she broke down Four people were assigned as "nannies" to watch her, one of them was Flag OSA staff Valerie. Gitte was put on a special diet: fruit, bread, water, juice, Cal-Mag and vitamins. She was upset and out of control. She grabbed a knife and slashed both her wrists. Luckily, the people watching her were able to stop the blood flow. They had to wrestle with her to get her under control, and during this her face got scratched.
![]() Greg Bashaw on cover of Chicago Reader, August 16, 2002 Gregory Sherwood Bashaw (46) In memory of a trained journalist, disciplined and hardworking, an honored writer of substance and creativity and imagination, loved by family and friends, respected by contemporaries, who in the prime of his life, because of his needs and naivete trusted wrongly an entity that crushed his sweet and sharing spirit. Based upon the story as published in The Chicago Reader August 16, 2002 Rick Ross - 16 January 2003 |
Maria do Rosario Almeida and Joao Cancela Still in 1994, there was a serious event related to Scientology. At the 29th July, Joao Cancela, a 32 year-old enterpriser, showed up with a gun at the Church's Lisbon org, at Actor Tabord Street, and shot several times. Maria do Rosario Almeida, an employee of the Finances State Department and part-time worker at the Church was deadly hit. L. Ron Hubbard The Mysterious Death of L. Ron Hubbard : On January 24 1986, under circumstances that can at best be characterised as 'suspicious', L. Ron Hubbard died. Although his condition had been steadily deteriorating for years, even the coronor noted that there were irregularities surrounding his death, including the presence in his body of vast quantities of Vistaril, a powerful ani-psychotic medication. Scientology "Reverend" William J. Fisk Fisk is mentioned in two FBI files: From the files of the FBI #6 - From the files of the FBI #87 STATE OF WASHINGTON, Respondent, v. RUSSELL EDWARD JOHNSON, AppellantAbout two weeks prior to the date of the homicide' Fisk telephoned appellant and stated that he wished to see him at the church office. At the interview which followed, Fisk informed appellant that he (Fisk) had had an affair with appellant's wife, both at the church and at appellant's home. Appellant testified that he experienced such a marked physical reaction to this information that he actually fell off his chair. He was profoundly shocked by the candor with which Fisk related his affair with appellant's wife. It is interesting to note that Scientology asked for exemption of a sexual exploitation legislation in Texas, that would forbid counselors to have sex with their patients. Perhaps Scientology feared past and present sexual abuse victims would sue them. American Family Foundation - The Cult Observer Vol. 11 No. 4 1994
Hannu Hyttinen |
Helen and David Cary The animosity that the early Dianetics community felt toward psychiatry and psychiatric treatment appeared in an early 1951 newsletter published by The Hubbard Dianetic Research Foundation. One of its instructors, David E. Cary, died in a murder/suicide committed by his psychologically troubled wife, Helen ( Los Angeles Times , 1951). After losing a child, Helen became suicidal and took an overdose of sleeping pills. She repeated her suicide attempts two or three additional times. "Each time her husband arrived in time. Psychiatrists were called in ." On their final day of life, however, Helen bought a gun, shot her husband, then killed herself. "Dianetics then Death" Berkeley, Cal. dianetics instructor David Cary, 29, had tried to cure his depressed wife of a suicide mania. He saved her life several times, thought she was responding to treatment. Final cure: She shot him to death, then killed herself. |
And -- and I know of one instance -- and this goes back a bit into the '70s, I think -- when a Scientologist was dying of cervical cancer in Los Angeles. Her name was Sally Chaleff, C-H-A-L-E-F-F. And she had had no medical care so the cervical cancer wasn't caught in time. And -- Mmm -- she as doing very badly. And when visited, she said, "Well, I'm -- I'm just here to die now. That is what I have been told. I'm just here to die." |
Disturbed Scientologists killing parents
Arthur Don Beals Gary Don Beals says he might not have murdered his father and tried to kill his mother if not for influence by the Church of Scientology. Beals told the Utah Board of Pardons Friday that church members talked him out of getting needed psychological help and also turned him against his parents.
Elli Perkins (sometimes spelled Ellie Perkins) was classified in Church of Scientology as an "Operating Thetan," and was killed on the birthday of L. Ron Hubbard, 13 March 2003, by her scientologist son Jeremy Perkins. Buffalo News Son arrested in woman's fatal knifing - 14 March 2003 An argument that exploded Thursday morning ended in the death of an Amherst woman who was stabbed by her 28-year-old son, police said. The body of Elli Perkins, 54, was discovered on a bedroom floor of her home in the 1400 block of Hopkins Road about 10:30 a.m., Amherst Police Chief John J. Moslow said. Man held in mom's slaying to get psychiatric tests - 18 March 2003 Jeremy M. Perkins, 28, a mentally troubled Amherst man, was ordered Thursday to remain jailed without bail pending grand jury proceedings over the fatal stabbing of his mother last month...Perkins has a history of paranoid schizophrenia his family reportedly was treating with vitamins and some medical therapy. Grand jury indicts son in fatal stabbing of mother - 4 June 2003 Homicide prosecutor Kenneth Forrest Case told the judge Perkins was indicted on two counts of second-degree murder and weapons charges for allegedly stabbing his mother 77 times. After the brief court session, Nuchereno said the stabbing "was the working of a 28-year-old mind which is very, very ill." Man who killed mother will get more treatment - 28 January 2004 Perkins' schizophrenia was being treated with vitamins and herbs by his parents, Church of Scientology "auditors" who rejected modern psychiatry. On Tuesday, John R. Nuchereno, Perkins' attorney, told the judge that had his client been given psychiatric treatment instead of being treated at a Church of Scientology medical facility, "his mother would be alive today." Enlightenment's dark side - 30 January 2004 "Jeremy was a young man who had never harmed a fly in his life," the defense attorney said. "Had he obtained competent psychiatric care, he would not have been in the predicament he found himself." Perkins was found mentally not responsible for his actions and is confined to Rochester Psychiatric Center. More articles, legal files and how Scientology covered up its track with Jeremy, can be found on |
![]() Eric Rubio (36) When he was found, the 36-year old man weighed 45 kilograms for his 167 centimetres. He died in his kitchen, allegedly while cooking. He had not consumed any food for several days, and had suffered from malnutrition. When Erik Rubio came to Denmark in 1994, it was to join the Scientology elite: the Sea Organization. There he was later declared unfit and thrown out, but not without having to pay back a huge sum to the cult. Until his death, he made regular payments to Scientology. His name says nothing to you. He was a mere boy, 21 years old. Ilia lived in a provincial Russian town of Saransk, about 600 km east of Moscow. He was a former scientologist, who left the cult about three years ago. Last Friday, October 15 2004 Ilia has announced on several Internet forums that he wants to leave this life. |
Of course, Kimmie had the same type of story. Four months ago her boyfriend was on WD [/Ed: withdrawal/] for Heroin and was taking methadone toolbars. She had gone out shopping that morning and came back and found him dead in the bed on the Narconon Property. I asked her to call my Christine and talk with her because she was having nightmares about me and she promised to call. I asked her every day and she never did. Once again playing mind games or feeding on your emotions to make you feel confident in them and the Narconon way of life. |
Additional names
In chronological order of submission
Source is Brigette Dagnell
Bo Jonsson , former AG Sweden (suicide)
Marie-Louise Krusell , former GO, later FZ (drugs and alcohol)
Karin Hommeberg , former pc (suicide)
Göran had been on staff in Sweden for many years, later he joined the Sea Org in Copenhagen. I think he hanged himself about five years ago ('95/'96)
Mats Norryd (cancer)
Mats was a very successful Swedish painter and I met him the first time at the Stockholm Org 1971 or 1972. He was the Swedish voice in the tape "Can we ever be friends". He went to Flag for doing NOT's around 1985. While on NOT's he was found to have cancer. When he didn't manage to pay for more auditing he was sent home to die. I don't have any exact datum for his death.
Catarina Pamnell has more on this case.
A cancer case that I only have a little bit of second-hand information about, but I'll tell you anyway in case you run into it sometime: a Swedish semi-celebrity, painter Mats Norryd who was on OT levels (he was at least OT3, probably higher by this time). First I heard about it in 92-93 or so from a scientologist, who said he had been diagnosed with serious stomach cancer, had gone to Flag, gotten auditing and a vitamin treatment, and become well. Recently I was told by two different people that he had not at all become well, but had been getting more sick and then sent home from Flag to die at home.
A former scientologist who asks to remain anonymous shared the following:
Mats was one of my best friends and he frequently visited with me at my home even up until a few weeks before he died. He knew he was terminally ill, everybody knew it. His lymph nodes were trashed. The fact is, he said to me the church of Scientology staff worked their asses off to get him up to OT level III, breaking finance rules, scheduling rules and generally working many hours overtime to help him finish that level which had been a long time goal for him. I did not agree with the money spent, but he wasn't taking it with him. They succeeded in granting him his wish and when he finally passed he was happy as hell with no regrets other than he had to leave behind those he loved so dearly. He never blamed Scientology for anything that I know of, especially his illness. He blamed cigarettes and cadmium pigments which he was exposed to regularly in painting.
So get your facts straight before you say one more thing about my honorable friend. I am certain he would not appreciate your efforts to disparage Scientology in his name. He had no complaints about his religion. By the simple evidence that you didn't get his story straight makes the rest of the drivel on this site, suspect.
I don't want an answer from you, and I don't expect one. Trust me, you don't want to have any dealings with me at all. Just fix the bullshit you wrote.
One more thing. If my name ever appears in any of this crap, I guarantee you, we will meet. See pal, I don't answer to Scientology, it never took. Sometimes it doesn't and I have no bones to chew with them, no complaints either way. But I do answer to my own code when it comes to protecting the name of my friends. About all I can do for him now is try to be a loyal friend, and take care of his business since he can't.
Fix it mister.
Someone else who asked to remain anonymous shared the following on 27 June 2006:
I met Göran Andersson recently in Copenhagen, and he has never been so fit and proud, despite the report to the contrary on your page. It´s very careless of you and very cruel to put up names of people that can be found when searching on internet, with morbid info - no matter what´s correct or not. You sacrifice their good memory for the benefit of your cause and just because you hate scn. It´s below even most anti scnists on the net.
Source is Yolanda Howell
Joy McBride , awarded as an auditor, (body was found washed up on a beach in L.A.)
Lindy Duncansan (probably spelt Lindy Duncanson), OT8 (died of cancer)
Gary Ross , +25 years in CoS (alcohol)
Steve O'Hara , Salt Lake City (died of cancer)
Source has asked to remain anonymous
He jumped off the Aurora Bridge in Seattle. I had not seen him for a couple months prior to the suicide and found out about it via the paper. I was very upset that "Diane" had not told me- as she must have known. When I questioned her about his suicide and why it had happened she just said she was sorry.
This was in, I believe, 1978.
Source is Steven Ellis
Please add Natalie Ellis to the list of cancer victims on your "Deaths at Flag" page. Same reason: she didn't get proper medical attention early enough.Natalie Ellis was staff at Celebrity Centre in Hollywood, California. She died of colon cancer on 4/20/1994 at Harbor UCLA Medical Center in Torrance, California. I am her ex-husband.
Source is known to
Casper C and his wife Alice Miller C had both been in the SO. They had met there and started a 2D - but Casper was already married. They were sent to the RPF, Casper received a divorce and he and Alice were married. This happened in the 1990's though I am unsure as to the exact dates.After some time in the RPF, they left the SO and returned to Columbus, Ohio, Alice's home town (Casper was from S africa).
They worked to pay off their free loader debt and Casper tried his hand a many different businesses. He was often depressed and couldn't understand why he couldn't make things go right for him and Alice. He and Alice even went to S africa to visit Casper's father (a Scientologist) and try to creat some sort of business, but this failed.
Alice at some point developed breast cancer and noticed a lump in her breast, but being a Scientologist she did not immediately seek medical treatment or tell anyone at all (after all, what does it say about a thetan who pulls in cancer!!!!)
By the time she finally did seek treatment and tell Casper, her breast lump was huge and basically untreatable. She decided she may not have much time to live, so she broke up with Casper. He was so torn up, he committed suicide in his car (1996).
Alice died from her cancer in 1998 while receiving auditing at the Scientology Org in Cincinnati OH.
Source is "Michael" in the guestbook
I just wanted to add a name to the "Death at Flag" list, and that is Syma Zimmer. She was a supervisor and word clearer in the SHSBC at Flag, and died mysteriously without warning leaving two children behind to be adopted by Sea Org members later. Syma was a tall, friendly, young SO mother whom was well liked within the Academy.13:09:32 99/07/14
Source has asked to remain anonymous
Sheila Harris was my senior when I joined staff at Pubs DK in late 1973. She was an American woman probably in her 30s. She went to GO WW for training to be the AG (Assistant Guardian) for Pubs DK in 1974, and she died of breast cancer in England in 1975 or 1976.Source has asked to remain anonymous
Frank Suarez was an OT who committed suicide with a firearm in late 1991 at his home in Broward County, Florida (near Ft.Lauderdale). He left behind a wife and two children, ages around 9 and 10. I couldn't swear to it in a court of law with 100% certainty, but my recollection is that Frank was OT lll, may have once been on staff at the Ft.Lauderdale Mission, was a "public" at the Miami Org, and had gotten auditing at FLAG. He had been in Scientology for several years.An addendum: Executives and I believe a couple of OT's were called to a private meeting at the Miami Org after his death. As you can imagine, Frank's friends were all pretty shocked and upset, and even angry that he would leave a wife and 2 kids to deal with life without a husband and father.
The next day, one of the OT's stated that she had "been in contact" with Frank, that he was very happy, was doing well, and that he had done it because his most important goal as a being was to be in the Sea Org, and since he had taken LSD earlier "this lifetime" he couldn't. (You can't join the Sea Org if you've taken LSD or similar drugs "this lifetime".)
I didn't believe any of that even when I was still in the cult.
This is information I received from several ex-scientology members and is compiled in one report.
Mary Garlick
The R Garlick mentioned in the Anderson Report was most probably her husband. She was Keeper of technology UK in the Office of LRH.
Saima Gallop
Both women were Sea Organization members with cancer and didn't receive medical treatment until it was too late. Mary and Saima died days of each other in East Grinstead hospital sometime in the late 80s.
Leigh Crundall (maiden name)
Leigh was a member of the former Guardian office which had recently [1983] been disbanded, and indeed the mission to do that was still at St. Hill. Leigh was not SO but she was kept around for gofor purposes. She was told that she had to keep almost impossible hours and this was while she had to take care of her two sons and her husband, one of her sons had a heart condition which needed surgery as well. She was working almost impossible hours, she had to be at St. Hill for 8am, that was after getting her children up and off to school, then she had to get back for lunch to her house, without a lift to town, then back to the hill, then back at 6 for her children, then back to the hill for 7pm until the earliest of 11pm. This took its toll on her and she wound up "going nuts" or type 3 as they say. But because she wasn't SO and because she was little better than RPF status she had the lowest of priorities. They start ed a baby watch on her down at St Mary's when we owned that. Everyone had moved out and they only had a team of RPFers who were cleaning it before it got sold. So it was the perfect place for her. After a couple of weeks without any progress "they" decided that she wasnt worth the man power and pulled out the watch.
"[T]hey" decided that her family should take care of her. Her mother is/was Dawn Crundall , the then FBO AOSHUK. [After a few monts, I] saw a piece in the EG Observer telling how she has hung herself. She'd gone into the library and got out a book on knots, then went to a hardware store and bought some rope and hung herself from the bannister in her home. I cracked up when I read that. This would have been in July/August 1984.
Source is Karin Spaink
Mark Schaatsbergen left scientology beginning 1988, because he felt they were perverting their own goals and didn't live up to their statements. According to his Mum, Mark's reason to commit suicide end June/begin July 1998, was the enormous amount of pressure the cult exerted on him. His father and sister remain members of the cult. The mother is still devastated.Source is
I went to the website again, still don't see Mike McGee (NY Org, about 1975, brain tumor) or any mention if a GO member about the same time, whose VW fell on him in the parking lot of the Hollywood Inn, I believe. He worked on it every weekend. This time, the jack slipped. His mother was a psychic in Mexico who sed she "saw" 2 men messing with the car, and she "knew" he was murdered. Was a big deal (but hushed up) at the time - mother wrote to MSH [Mary Sue Hubbard] and wanted it investigated, the guy's wife had to handle her so she wouldn't sue the churtch, the wife was sec-checked to see if her hubby had told her any confid info. I also seem to remember she lived in the same building where Al Crivello shot himself. I don't remember the name because I didn't know the guy from Mexico.Source has asked to remain anonymous
I remember in 1973 or 1974 at AOLA, Bob Borowsky just came back from Flag after completing some latest service and was bragging, "I am one of the three sanest people on the planet." I knew him well. He showed me a brand new 22 caliber gun he had just purchased and said, "This gun will put a bullet in some nigger's head." I couldn't believe he said that especially after all the auditing he just had at Flag. hree days later he committed suicide by shooting himself in the head with that gun in his apartment right across the street from AOLA on Bronson Ave. This was especially sad and ironic because his new bride was so excited about starting a family.Another source tells us
This was in the mid to late seventies. His name was Bob Borowsky. He was a staff member at New York Org. A supervisor and auditor. He did all of the bridge in New York through dianetics case completion. He was a very calm, at the moment, caring person. He finished his staff contract and went out to L.A. and went from Clear through OTVII. When he returned to Upstate New York where his wife was waiting for him, he loaded a shotgun and stuck it in his mouth and blew his head off.Note by Mike: One Robert Borowsky died in Nov 1977 with SSN 152-28-8309 . Perhaps these are the same persons.
Source is
I have another possible listing for your website on "Scientology related deaths". The only problem is that I'm having trouble remembering the name of the individual.Back in the mid-70's at St. Hill in East Grinstead, England the non-SO staff and public largely lived in East Grinstead. To get back and forth to St. Hill you either bought a cheap vehicle, got a ride with someone, or walked/hitchhiked. The walk was several miles from town and there were two potential routes. Both were treacherous in spots as there were hills in some places right next to the road so there was only a one or two foot clearance between the hill and the white line on the side of the road. There was also a 90 degree turn at one of these spots connecting the road from St. Hill with the road to town. It was especially bad if you had to walk home at night when there was no moon.
This situation lead to the death of an Israeli public who was walking one day in this situation (daytime I think, but I'm not sure). He was struck by a car and, if I remember correctly, he died of a head injury. This accident occured in 1976 or 1977.
Motty Arnstein is the name that comes to mind, but I'm not sure if that is the right person. I may be thinking of someone else from the same region.
Sorry I can't be clearer on the details, but it was a long time ago.
I note that they now have bus service from East Grinstead to the Hill which is probably partly a result of this incident (& possibly others?) and the continuing hazard to those attempting the walk.
Source wants to be identified as "Pieter" -- May 2004
Jeroen de Bruijn, 25. Died of cancer.
Marjan Witte (around 40) died of cancer about half a year ago.
Mental disorder:
Gile de Hosipied, full memory loss on OT-8, she is a baroness from Heemstede. Her man is mad about it. going on for years already.
Hans van Ettinger, 1 year ago, went totally nuts when he came back from FLAG Landbase after doing FPRD on 2D, CLEAR paid over 700.000 Guilders to Scientology, He is a Masters of Science....started shouting 24 hours a day.
Source has asked to remain anonymous --
Peggy Labuschagne - 65, cancer
Casper Labuschagne - 26, suicide
Both originally from South Africa, they died scientologists in 1996. Peggy in Clearwater in July of uterine cancer, after several years of trying to audit the cancer away.
Casper, her stepson, in December, gassed himself in his car a few months later. Both were active sea org members at the time of their deaths.
Obituary in The Winchester Star of 8 May 2001
John H. Boucher
John H. Boucher, 46, of 949 Allen Drive, Winchester, died Sunday, May 6, 2001, in Winchester Medical Center.
Mr. Boucher was born Sept. 20, 1954, in Weissbaden, Germany, the son of Leo and Virginia Louise Brozier Boucher. He owned and operated John Henry’s Auto Service and formerly worked at Leesburg Honda.
He was a member of the Church of Scientology in Washington, D.C.
He married Catherine Pool on Aug. 19, 1979, in Washington, D.C.
Surviving with his wife and his parents, of Alexandria, are three daughters, Michele Anna-Louise Boucher and Jeanne-Marie Boucher, both of Winchester, and Marguerite Jaime Boucher at home; two sisters, Antoinette “Toni” Buchanan of Draper, Utah, and Adrienne Boucher of Centreville; and a brother, Jeffrey Boucher of Linden.
A funeral will be at 3 p.m. Wednesday at Jones Funeral Home, with Bob Hughes officiating.
The family will receive friends after 4 p.m. Wednesday at the Boucher home.
Memorials may be made to the Citizens Commission on Human Rights, 1701 20th St., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20009; or the Chesapeake Academy, 5533 Industrial Drive, Springfield 22151.
Addenum to the above obituary
Source has asked to remain anonymous -- September 2004
John had been told, after 25 years, that he was an 'illegal pc' because he was a security risk. He commited suicide believing that he would come back in another body and be able to get auditing. He wanted Scientology so much... he wanted it more that he wanted life.Source has asked to remain anonymous -- February 2006
The time range of these is about 10 to 15 years ago:
Ian Tampion. He was an Operating Thetan 5 (OT 5) and died from (brain?) cancer at the age of 59 around 10 years ago. (In 1973 he was president of the Church of the New Faith in Victoria, Australia.)
Erica Laws. An OT 3 who died of cancer at the age of 57.
Pat Bloomberg. A Sea Org (SO) member at Advanced Organization Saint Hill Australia, New Zealand, Oceania (AOSH ANZO). Was a very heavy smoker who died of lung cancer. She was believed to have been in her mid 50s to mid 60s.
A young SO member from AOSH ANZO of chinese origin. Probably in his late 20s to early 30s. he died of cancer. Perhaps his sur name was Wo or waugh.
Threse Murphy. A clear who died of cancer in her late 20s.
Dorothy Barton, also known as Dot. An OT 5 who died of cancer in her mid to late 40s.
Peter Sparshot . Was the C/S at AOSH ANZO. Died of cancer. He was around 60 years old. He C/Sed folders of people up to OT5.
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