Homework should be scrapped for primary school children because the pressure to complete assignments makes pupils "unhappy and anxious", say teachers.
A Royal Commission should also investigate why so many children dislike school, the Association of Teachers and Lecturers (ATL) said.
The union, which represents 160,000 teachers, will debate a motion at its annual conference next week calling for homework to be abolished for younger children and cut back for teenagers. The move comes amid growing fears that children are being increasingly stressed by too much work too young. Pupils in England are the most tested in the western world and it is claimed that exposure to academic study - coupled with a reduction in play - may harm children's long-term development. Mary Bousted, general secretary of the ATL, said: "I think a lot of homework is a waste of time. It puts a huge amount of stress, particularly on disadvantaged children from disadvantaged homes." |
Speaking ahead of the ATL conference in Torquay on Monday, she said that for many poorer children, who do not have access to books, computers and well-educated parents to help, homework can lead them to resent school and fuel discipline problems.
"Middle-class children can go home and get help with their homework; disadvantaged children can't and then they get in trouble," she said. The union's motion will raise "deep concern" that an increase in homework leaves many children "unhappy and anxious".
"Children should be able to explore, experiment and enjoy their learning without feeling pressurised," it says.
"Homework has become an increasing pressure."
A Royal Commission should be established to investigate why so many children feel unhappy and "to recommend a plan of action".
The Department for Children, Schools and Families said teachers should not be discouraged from setting homework.
"A good, well organised homework programme helps children and young people to develop the skills and attitudes they will need for successful, independent, lifelong learning," said a department spokesman.
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