
Thursday, May 8, 2008

Can you suffer from chronic tiredness?

Tiredness is also known as fatigue. It settles in the human body in a moment when its resources, physical or psychical, are overused and, accordingly, the human body reacts protecting itself by not responding in a prompt manner to various stimulus.

The physical tiredness “is visible” when the body has to respond to stimulus. Reactions are slowed, body movements suppose a bigger effort for their execution and also body weakness and sleepiness are felt. The brain mobilizes itself harder to reproduce the same reactions than it usually does, attention is lowering with every second that passes. Some memory problems, apathy, nervousness and irritability also can be present .

Everyone had experienced such episodes, especially when you were to resolve some various jobs or issues at the same time, or you got very tired because of excess of physical effort. Often a good movie, some music and good sleep, especially when the person next to you understands what you are passing through, may turnout as “miracles”.

What happens when this fatigue becomes a regular lifestyle, and the symptoms don’t seem to go away just by resting?

When fatigue becomes a permanent state of being?

The chronic fatigue syndrome settles in after 6 months of systematic fatigue and exhaustion that interferes significantly with the person’s life quality. The manifestation cause of the chronic fatigue syndrome is not very clear(precise). The symptoms are influenced by environmental causes (stressing, solicitant environment) with physical problems (from flu, cold, to immunity and endocrine systems’ diseases) and psychological causes (vulnerability, depression). Depression can be a cause, but also an effect of chronic fatigue.

If you noticed that lately you have felt tiredness too often, you should take the following facts into consideration:

  1. The fatigue is real. Even after periods of low activity, fatigue is persistent and silent. This thing is hard to understand, especially when the exhaustion feeling is noticed after a long period of apparent rest. Therefore, for those who have these symptoms, it is sometimes hard to communicate with family or friends and to decide together that something more then just rest is needed.
  2. There are good times and there are bad times. There can be times when, apparently with no explanation, you feel good, and afterwards, the fatigue state reappears.
  3. The sleep is not always restful.
  4. Orthostatic hypotension can blow in (the blood pressure decay when we stand up), which for the most part is interpreted as a state of flabbiness, weakness or even swoon.

It is hard to determine the diagnosis of the chronic fatigue syndrome and the variety of treatments is very considerable. As the respect for the own person appears earlier and the feeling of tiredness is being taken seriously, the hope to be restored to health increases.

The useful advices

  • A life rhythm built according to rituals. The same bedtime, fixed life habits, work and time spent with the beloved persons strengthens a feeling of safety and nexus which contributes to the body relaxation, letting it to rest;Tiredness and memory problems
  • Avoidance of exciting substances, regardless of is it alcohol, coffee or even chocolate;
  • Creating a rhythm of work according to availability, even if this involves periods with a reduced schedule. In this case the support of family and its understanding becomes extremely important.
Original here

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