There are many different types of food borne illnesses. Although the bacteria from which they stem are different, their symptoms are generally quite similar. Furthermore, even though they are quite common, they are also easily preventable. Celebrity Foods has the highest standards in food preparation and prides itself on the quality of service and quality of food that we distribute.
Following is a list of the most common food-borne illnesses.
Campylobacter: This illness is the most commonly identified cause of diarrheal illness in the world. It is a pathogen that causes fever, diarrhea and abdominal cramps. This bacterium is found on most raw poultry; therefore the most frequent cause of contracting the illness is by eating undercooked chicken or turkey. |  |
Salmonella: This bacterium is widespread in the intestines of birds, reptiles and mammals and is spread to humans through the consumption of food. Symptoms of the illness include fever, diarrhea and abdominal cramps. Unfortunately, salmonella can be life- threatening for already unhealthy people. |  |
E-Coli 0157:H7: E-Coli is a bacterium pathogen found in cattle. Again, human illness comes from consumption of food or water that has been contaminated. E-Coli causes severe and bloody diarrhea and abdominal cramps. Also, a small amount of cases (3-5%) results in a condition called hemolytic uremic syndrome (HUS). This condition includes temporary amnesia, profuse bleeding and kidney failure. |  |
Calicivirus or Norwalk-like virus: This illness is very common yet rarely diagnosed. Generally the illness is transmitted by the infections shigella and hepatitis A and the parasites giardia lamblia and cryptosporida. Unlike the other food borne illness, this one induces a greater amount of vomiting and less diarrhea. The gastro-intestinal discomfort usually subsides within one or two days. Another unique feature of this virus that it is spread through human contact more than through the consumption of contaminated food. |  |
Listeria: Listeria is a food borne illness that comes from the listeria monocytogenes bacterium. Humans can contract this illness by not properly sanitizing the surfaces used for food preperation. This illness primarily affects newborn infants, pregnant women, the elderly and people with compromised immune systems. If a pregnant woman is infected by the disease she runs the risk of miscarriage or still birth. The incubation period ranges from two days to three weeks and the mortality rate is between 20-35 percent. Maintaining good sanitation and assuring that milk is pasteurized can prevent listeria. |  |
Botulism: Botulism is caused by the Botulinum toxin. The toxin can only be produced in anaerobic environments that have minimal amounts of acidity. These toxins are generally associated with inadequately processed home-canned foods, however they can also be found in preprocessed food. The onset of symptoms of the disease occurs within 4-36 hours after eating the affected food. Symptoms of botulism include double vision, inability to swallow, speech difficulty, and progressive paralysis of the respiratory system. If botulism is contracted it is vital to receive medical help immediately as it can be a fatal disease.botulinum toxin |  |
vibrio infection Hepatitis A virus: This food borne illness is carried by mollusks such as oysters, clams and mussels. They become infected when their beds are contaminated by untreated sewage. Raw shellfish are very common carriers and unfortunately cooking does not always kill the virus. Symptoms of Hepatitis A include malaise, appetite loss, nausea, vomiting, and fever. After 3-10 days patient develops jaundice with darkened urine. Severe cases can cause liver damage and death. |  |
Hepatitis A virions Staphylococcal Intoxication: These bacteria are also found in untreated water, raw milk and sewage. They produce food borne illness by producing a heat resistant toxin within food. To prevent the bacteria from growing in food, serving temperature should be either below 40º F or above 140º F. Symptoms of staph include abdominal cramps, vomiting, severe diarrhea, and exhaustion. Symptoms last only a few days and the illness has a very low mortality rate. |  |
staphylococcus aureus bacterium Perfringens food poisoning: The bacteria that cause this illness are found in most meat and meat products. The most common cause of this illness is a failure to keep food hot. Symptoms include abdominal pain and diarrhea, and sometimes nausea and vomiting. These symptoms last only a few days and are usually mild although the illness can be more serious in the elderly or disabled. The bacteria grow between 120-130ºF, so the best way to prevent this illness is to make sure meat, gravies, stuffings, etc, are cooked to above 140ºF. |  |
Clostridium perfringens bacterium Shigellosis: Shigella bacteria are found in milk and other dairy products. The most common way for food to become contaminated is by human carriers not washing their hands and then handling partially cooked food. The bacteria multiply quickly at room temperature. Symptoms include abdominal cramps, diarrhea, fever, vomiting, and blood, pus, or mucus in the stool. |  |
shigella baterium Amebiasis: These bacteria are found in polluted soil and water. Humans can contract the disease by consuming vegetables that have been grown in contaminated soil. Onset is 3-10 days after exposure Symptoms Severe crampy pain, tenderness over the colon or liver, loose morning stools, recurrent diarrhea, loss of weight, fatigue, and sometimes anemia. |  |
Entamoeba histolytica bacterium Bacillus Cereus: This illness is primarily caused by eating starchy foods such as rice or potatoes that have been cooled to slowly or not correctly refrigerated. The incubation period is generally 1-6 hours after eating contaminated food. There are two strains of this illness, emetic and diarrheal. Recovery from both types is relatively quick. Symptoms of emetic: nausea and vomiting, occasionally followed by diarrhea diarrheal symptoms: abdominal pain, watery diarrhea and occasional nausea. There are no long- term effects. Small amounts of the bacterium in food are not a hazard to humans’ health. |  |
bacillus cereus bacterium Giardiasis: These organisms thrive in cool moist conditions and the disease is most often contracted through drinking contaminated water. However it can be transmitted through undercooked foods that were contaminated during growing or through handling by contaminated food handlers. The onset is 1-3 days and symptoms include sudden onset of explosive watery stools, abdominal cramps, anorexia, nausea, and vomiting. Especially infects hikers, children, travelers, and institutionalized patients |  |
flagellate protozoan Giardia lamblia Trichinosis: Trichinosis is caused by consuming raw or undercooked meat or poultry that has been infected with the larvae of the Trichinella spiralis worm. Human infection is very rare. Trichinosis can be avoided by properly cooking meat, especially that which has been hunted. The same care should be taken when thawing meat that has been frozen. The first symptoms of the disease in humans are high fever, nausea, diarrhea, vomiting and abdominal discomfort. Headaches, fever, chills, cough, aversion to bright light, swollen or puffy eyes, aching muscles and sometimes an itchy rash or skin irritation may follow. Symptoms may be mild and flu-like or severe, and can occur from 1-2 days and up to 8 weeks after eating poorly cooked, contaminated meat. Symptoms can be treated. The best way to prevent tricinosis is to cook meat to 170º F and cook all meat that is fed to pigs and other wild animals. | 
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